The Mysterious Power of Sound and Frequency
Sound and frequency are two things we don’t often think about, but we hear and feel them every day. Whether it’s your alarm clock or the music playing on the radio, the sounds we hear are directly affecting us in ways you might not be aware of. In this blog post, learn how sound and frequency affects us both physically and mentally, as well as how you can use it to your advantage at work and at home.
What do we know about sound?
We know that sound is a form of energy. We also know that it’s a dynamic form of energy, meaning that it can change its form constantly in order to affect us. This is because sound is made up of waves. When you hear someone talking, what you are hearing are waves vibrating at different frequencies, which then travel through air until they reach your ears and cause your eardrums to vibrate as well. This causes your brain to interpret these vibrations as words or music or any other kind of audio signal. The amazing thing about all of this is that we do not need an external device (such as speakers) in order for us to hear sounds! Our ears are equipped with tiny bones called ossicles which pick up vibrations from our eardrums and send them directly into our inner ear where we can process them further.
How do we hear?
When we think about how sound affects us, it’s typically in terms of noise—the noises that interfere with our sleep or distract us when we’re trying to work. But what exactly is sound, and how does it affect us? The answer lies in your cochlea: a spiral-shaped chamber located inside your inner ear. When sound waves hit your eardrum, they cause it to vibrate; these vibrations are then transferred through three small bones, known as ossicles, into fluid within your cochlea. This fluid moves hair cells, causing them to fire off nerve signals to your brain—which you then interpret as hearing something. There’s also a link between auditory perception and emotions, which means music can change our mood. For example, if you listen to happy music while doing an activity that makes you feel sad (like cleaning out your closet), it will make you feel happier. And if you listen to sad music while doing an activity that makes you feel happy (like eating ice cream), it will make you feel even more unhappy! Music is powerful stuff—so use it wisely!
Why would someone want to use sound?
The power of sound for healing is a long-practiced tradition that continues to gain popularity. Acoustic medicine employs therapeutic sound frequencies to induce relaxation, alleviate pain, decrease inflammation and improve sleep. However, using sound as medicine isn’t limited to chimes or gongs. The theory behind acoustic medicine is sound can heal through any medium: from classical music to ocean waves. It can also be used in conjunction with other treatments such as acupuncture, massage therapy or even aromatherapy. While there are many benefits to acoustic medicine, it has some limitations too. For example, while you may hear about its use on specific health issues like insomnia or arthritis, there’s no research available that confirms its effectiveness. Additionally, most studies are based on subjective evidence (i.e., patients reporting improvements). While there are plenty of anecdotal accounts about how sound affects us emotionally and physically, more research needs to be done before we can say for certain how much it affects us at all—and what those effects mean when it comes to our overall health.
What are the benefits of using frequencies?
The human body is said to be made up of water. Ancient wisdom considers that within our bodies, there are 13 major vortices (or energy centers), called chakras in Sanskrit. Each chakra governs certain aspects of our physical, emotional and mental selves. The key is balance - we need a balance between all our chakras to be healthy. Many practitioners believe that when we are ‘out of balance’ it can affect not only ourselves but those around us too. Practitioners also suggest that by tuning into these frequencies, we can help restore our natural balance. In addition to helping with balancing out our energies, these sounds may also help with stress relief, relaxation and sleep induction. They might even help you get through your next meditation session! How does sound work?: Our sense of hearing works by detecting small changes in air pressure from which we interpret sound waves as noise or music. When someone speaks or sings, they create sound waves using their voice box (larynx). As they vibrate their vocal cords they create different tones – some higher pitched than others. These vibrations travel through the air until they reach your ear where tiny hairs inside act as a microphone so you can hear them clearly.
Who should use frequencies?
Just about everyone can use frequencies, as long as you understand a few basic rules. For example, if you’re working with an energy sensitivity, such as someone with autism or ADHD, then it’s best to work with a sound frequency that specifically targets their condition. If you don’t know what works for who, or for what conditions or ailments then I suggest looking up frequency healing CD reviews on Google where there are thousands of people sharing feedback on particular CD titles. Many even include audio clips so that you can hear how a particular frequency sounds before buying!
Please keep in mind this only starts to scratches the surface on the subject of sound and frequencies. So I encourage you to do your own research!
If you want to explore the power of sound we recommend The Sacred Sound Healing System! CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW for more information!