Get Outside
7 Reasons Why You Should Spend More Time Outside
Spending time outside has more benefits than you might think! When was the last time you stepped outside? Or better yet, when was the last time you spent an entire day outside? Even if you don’t have the option of taking a vacation or going on an adventure this summer, there are still plenty of ways to spend more time outdoors. Check out these seven reasons why you should spend more time outside this summer!
Sunshine lifts your mood
Ever heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder? It’s a type of depression that comes from lack of exposure to natural light. In fact, even if you live in an area with constant sunlight—Florida springs to mind—you can still be affected by SAD (you just don’t realize it). Our bodies are finely tuned for life in nature and when we spend too much time indoors, our brains can get confused about what season it is. Scientists refer to seasonal affective disorder as nature deficit disorder because spending more time outside can alleviate symptoms and make people happier. If you struggle with depression or anxiety, ask your doctor whether getting outdoors more often would help. It might be exactly what you need.
Spending time outside helps you live longer
Spending time outside may make you feel happier, but one of its health benefits is even better: it can actually help you live longer. A recent study published in Environmental Health Perspectives showed that women who spent more time in green spaces had a reduced risk of death from all causes. And studies show that children who spend recess outdoors have improved concentration and fewer behavioral problems. Spending time outside may also increase bone mass—and thus lower your risk for osteoporosis—according to one study published in PLOS One. So go ahead and take a hike, grab an ice cream cone, or sit back with your feet up on a sunny afternoon—you’re not only creating memories; you’re improving your health!
Being outdoors improves your mental health
Research shows that being in nature, even for just 10 minutes a day, is linked with lower stress levels, less anger and depression, and greater feelings of well-being. Those same benefits can be extended to up to three days if you’re outside camping or hiking. And it doesn’t matter if you live in a city or not; just getting some fresh air is enough to improve your mental health. In fact, researchers at UC Berkeley found that walking around an urban park (and looking at trees) lowered their subjects' cortisol levels by 25%. So don't underestimate how important spending time outdoors is.
Exercise is easier when you go outdoors
Remember that physical activity doesn’t just have to be about exercise. If you spend time outside with your family, or just for yourself, you can reap all of these benefits. Use your local parks and recreation programs to find things that work for you! And make sure to enjoy it; doing something fun will make it easier to stick with a healthy habit. As they say in business: It’s not a to-do list—it’s a get-it-done list!
Nature helps you concentrate
There’s something about being outside that helps you focus on your work. Maybe it’s because your brain knows that if you don’t get any work done outside, you might not have access to an internet connection or a power outlet. Whatever it is, studies have shown that people who spend time in nature can concentrate more easily than those who are inside, and they are better at blocking out distractions. Spending time outside may be just what you need to concentrate on important projects.
It’s good for the environment and wildlife too!
Spending more time outside can benefit you in many ways—but it can also affect wildlife and make your neighborhood greener. If you’re looking for a fun way to start greening your living habits, consider taking up gardening or just spending more time outdoors. Studies show that it helps us think more creatively, which is perfect for when we have to come up with a new marketing campaign or solve problems at work. And being around plants also helps us relax, especially if you live in a busy urban area or spend most of your days indoors at work. If you don’t want to plant your own garden, consider starting community gardens and vegetable patches around town—you may inspire others to do so too!
There are more reasons. We’ll tell you later.
An excellent way to live a more fulfilling life is to spend time outside. This type of exercise has been shown to have positive effects on sleep and stress, with some research suggesting that it could also aid in weight loss, give you better skin, improve heart health and more! The best part is you don’t need any fancy equipment or any specific skills—all you need is some sunlight. Plus, spending time outside makes for an easy way to be active. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve compiled a few ideas below. Enjoy!
There are even more reasons to spend time outside—we just ran out of room! Some additional benefits include decreased risk for diabetes, improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stronger bones and muscles and reduced depression risk. And if you want to read more about all these great benefits, check out our full list here: _____ _____/blog/how-to-spend-more-time-outside. _______________ So what are you waiting for? Leave your office right now and go get some fresh air!
Now go get outside.
People spend so much time inside, often hunched over a computer. So getting outside—whether it’s for a hike, or even just a walk around your neighborhood—can do wonders for your mood and your mind. Your body will also thank you: fresh air is not only good for breathing (outside air actually has more oxygen in it than inside air), but exposure to sunlight can help stabilize your internal clock and boost mood-lifting serotonin levels. That walk after work may be exactly what you need to clear your head before sitting down at home with Netflix.