Everything You Need to Know about Chakras and How They Affect Us
If you have never heard of chakras, then you have some homework to do before reading this article! Chakras are part of the Eastern healing and meditative practices, and they are well-known in the Western world as well. The term ‘chakra’ comes from Sanskrit, and it means ‘wheel of energy’ or ‘vortex of energy’ – even though we don’t use those terms in everyday speech, this still captures the essence of what chakras are.
The History of Chakra
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to wheel or turning. In Hinduism, Buddhism, Tantra, Taoism and even some Western New Age movements, Chakra has come to mean energy center. Sometimes referred to as our subtle body or even our connection to spirit, Chakra represents a source of power we can tap into as humans. There are seven main chakras in total, each one representing a different aspect of life and connected to certain parts of our physical bodies. When you learn how to open your chakras you will be able to connect with your higher self more easily, experience more joy and happiness in your life and have better overall health! For many years I have been fascinated by all things metaphysical. I love crystals, tarot cards and meditation. And although it's not something I'm particularly good at (I'm pretty impatient), I've always wanted my own chakra healing practice where I would help people find peace within themselves through meditation and energy work.
Learn About Each Chakra
There are seven major chakras in our bodies, but each one is tied to many more minor ones. The first step is becoming familiar with these main points of energy, which are all located along a line running from between your hips down through your lower abdomen and pubic bone: Muladhara (root), Svadhisthana (sacral), Manipura (solar plexus), Anahata (heart), Vishuddha (throat), Ajna (third eye or brow) and Sahasrara (crown). These chakras hold certain energies that affect everything we do, feel and think. Knowing where they are will help you understand how they affect you. For example, if your third-eye chakra isn't balanced, it could lead to headaches or migraines. By knowing what issues come up for you physically when there's an imbalance in any of these centers, it can be easier to figure out what actions to take next. With Everything You've Learned so Far... Find Your Own Balance: While some people say everyone has only one true chakra, others believe that everyone has multiple centers of energy throughout their body. This theory states that some people have a greater number than others, while still others have extra or missing pieces altogether. I will leave it up to you to form your own beliefs.
Physical Health
Opening your heart chakra, or Anahata, is a great way to boost your physical health. When your heart chakra is open, you’ll be less susceptible to illness and disease. Heart chakras are typically associated with our circulatory system, but opening it can also balance hormones and digestive systems. A healthy heart chakra will make for a happy life! Emotional Health: The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, represents wisdom and self-realization. If your crown chakra is blocked or closed off, it can cause anxiety and depression as well as lower levels of self-esteem. It’s important to keep all of your chakras balanced so that you feel at peace emotionally.
Mental Health
The word chakra means wheel or vortex in Sanskrit. As such, chakras are points of energy on our body where we have a high concentration of nerve endings. These are often called centers of consciousness, too, because they connect us with our surroundings and remind us that we aren’t alone. When there is a disruption in energy at one point, though, it can cause stress in other areas as well. A person who experiences anxiety might be suffering from an imbalance in their root chakra, for example. If you find yourself experiencing symptoms like these, working with a holistic practitioner may help you regain balance. But what are these seven major chakras? Where do they exist on your body? What should you look for if you suspect something isn’t quite right? Here's everything you need to know about how your chakras affect your mental health.
While many people believe in a traditional list of seven main chakras, others say that number varies among practitioners based on intuition and personal experience. These centers usually appear along a line across your abdomen but can also be found all over your body—including your forehead, hands, knees and even feet—and each addresses different issues you might experience throughout life. Some examples include lower back pain or knee problems as signs that a problem exists within your sacral chakra (also known as Swadhistana); rashes all over your arms could indicate imbalances within Vishuddha; and feelings of anxiety or panic could signal issues with Anahata.
Love and Relationships
In some religions, chakras are associated with energy centers in which an individual's life force, or chi (or qi), is concentrated. When these energy centers are balanced, a person is said to be healthy in that area of their life; if out of balance, it is believed that illness can occur. Therefore, when one is feeling unbalanced emotionally or physically they should consider looking into balancing their chakras. This awareness can assist people who feel unhealthy or unbalanced in their lives. The Seven Major Chakras: 1. Root Chakra - Located at base of spine, color Red 2. Sacral Chakra - Located below naval, color Orange 3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Located above naval, color Yellow 4. Heart Chakra - Located in the center of chest, color Green 5. Throat Chakra - Located at throat level, color Blue/Indigo 6. Third Eye Chakra - Located between eyebrows, color Purple 7. Crown Chakra - Located on top of head, color White/Gold There are also other minor chakras located throughout your body as well. These include: 8. Navel Chakra 9. Feet Chakra 10. Hand Chakra 11. Knee Chakra 12. Ankle Chakra 13. I could continue to list more, though I believe you can see we are made up of energy.
The Colors of the Chakras
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet: Each chakra vibrates at a certain frequency that corresponds to different emotions. The root chakra, for example, is red and represents security; it is associated with our sense of self-preservation. The sacral chakra is orange and represents our emotional needs; it’s associated with sexuality as well as creativity. The solar plexus chakra is yellow and represents our will power; it’s associated with courage and confidence. The heart chakra is green and represents love; it’s associated with compassion as well as empathy. The throat chakra is blue and represents communication; it’s associated with self-expression as well as spirituality. And finally, the crown chakra is violet and represents wisdom; it’s associated with spirituality and connection to higher consciousness.
The Importance of Self Care
In today’s day and age, we’re all juggling so much that it is easy for us to feel like we just don’t have time for self-care. However, even if you are short on free time, there are always ways you can take care of yourself in little moments throughout your day. Here are some self-care tips that will improve your life while also adding a little bit more balance into your busy schedule! 1. Take a few minutes before bed to write down three things you’re grateful for from that day. 2. Spend 15 minutes per week planning out your meals ahead of time instead of trying to figure out what to eat at 11pm when you get home from work each night. 3. Take an hour once per month (or whatever works best with your schedule) and do something fun or relaxing just because it feels good without any other goal in mind (like watching Netflix or reading). 4. Schedule one "me" activity per week—whether that means getting a massage, going for a walk by yourself, or doing something else entirely—and make sure you stick to it. 5. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than normal every morning and spend those 10 minutes meditating on your breathing and gratitude before starting your day.
Please keep in mind this only starts to scratches the surface on the subject of Chakras. So I encourage you to do your own research!
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