Styles of Meditation

     Here we break down the different types of meditation.  In order to give you a better understanding of the how each play their own role in the journey of personal development, over all mental health and strengthen our connect to the creator, source or the higher power of your beliefs.    

We will take a look at:

     If you read our: 5 ways to take your meditation practice from intermediate to advanced, in Meditation Tips. This is where you will find a bit more information. For those of you new to meditation this will help guide you through the different styles. These are not intended to suggest that you must follow them or to say any one is better than the other.  This is just information to help you understand their innerworkings.

     If you don't see the subject covered, it is on it way. We have so much more to share! This will be a working progress!

TAKE NOTICE: I am not a doctor or any type of medical professional! I have meditated most of my life. I am an information junkie, with a passion to learn! What is shared here is based on my research and experience! Tips and advice are purely suggestions on my knowledge and/or my opinion, based on my understanding! DO NOT mistake anything here medical advice!! PLEASE DO your own research, AND DO consult your doctor if you are not sure how any of these techniques or methods will affect you! THANK YOU!!!